Friday, May 23, 2008


I'm kinda lonely today my friends..I don't know why..So I decided to write something about loneliness...

I know I don't have anything to worry about...God has always been good to us...What could make me feel so sad today?....I'd like to believe that I should be happy....but today I wasn't feeling well...What is this I'm feeling right now?

Maybe it happens....Like there is this feeling of guilt inside of me that I was trying to deny or there are some things I should have done but I did not...or maybe I just wanted everything to be perfect for myself but they aren't...Maybe these things happen to all of us don't they?...

They say loneliness are much deeper than a sense that feelings of happiness don't last long but when you feel the opposite they would haunt you for a long time...

What is happening to me?...Maybe it's just a matter of attitude..If we take things too seriously..loneliness starts to haunt us ..but if we don't everything will just be fine..

If you happen to read this post..don't be sad like me ok?....Sometimes we need to humble ourselves....Forget those ambitions and wants that we've lost....Forget that pride coz it makes you not to forget and forgive.....Embrace our defeats and weaknesses to be able to satisfy ourselves....


  1. Very nice blog you have here =) keep up the great work!
    Btw I know how it feels to be lonely I've been there myself!

  2. Thank you...I hope everything is just fine now with you..Have a great day!
