Wednesday, July 30, 2008


They say there's no point of satisfaction ......We always strive for more.......but then when you ask for more don't forget to look back where you came from......Yes we aren't satisfied unless we get what we want......but after getting what we want.......are we truly happy?......Happiness can only be achieved when we know how to humble matter how hard we have tried in order to succeed there will be no satisfaction unless we put ourselves to where we should be.......Accept the will of the Father......He knows best than anyone of us no matter how famous or successful we have been.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Poems Written Out Of Love

desiderata - by max ehrmann

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann c.1920................................................and


Don't know how to start the day
Drink my coffee or comb my hair
Turn on the radio or switch to TV
This April morning is not so easy.

So thanks if you asked a favor
Find my self a newstand therefore
But sorry,"What's The News" had been sold out!
Worry not many choices can be had.

On my way saw the first choice of the day
Happy faces greet the morning with their play
But there's a child as I turn to my right
My April morning she had turned to a night.

She wanted to join those happy faces
But she could not they should meet the day's graces
One April morning could not be spared
To a busy child who has got no choices.


The first one tells us to be AT PEACE WITH GOD.......I remember when Jesus said PEACE BE WITH YOU........He said it after He was betrayed by his disciples........HE IS ASKING US TO PLACE OUR PEACE WITH HIM......even if we don't deserve Him as we are sinners........BE HUMBLE.......LIKE JESUS.......

The second one tells us to be merciful to those who those who are the poor........

Thank You NyteGoddessBoo

I am deeply honored to have received an award from a fellow blogger....I consider her one of the most sincere writers and poet in the whole blogosphere....Thank you NyteGoddessBoo...........................Sollee

NyteGoddessBoo's Blog
My Own Lil World Of Things.

Blogging Award (Blogger With Heart Of Gold)

This award goes to


This lady is truly an inspiration. She always sees the good in everything, no matter how hard things are or even seem to be. She has been a great source of encouragement to me and for that I am truly honored to be a part of her community. Her zest and love for life are simple but done with such passion. She always has a kind word, comforting thought, and is always there when for whatever the reason. I can relate to her in so many ways. She stands strong in her beliefs, and always looks at things with an open heart and mind. She never forgets where she come from, the hardships and struggles just to get to where she is at today. You have a gift and I thank you for sharing it with us. May God bless and keep you always.

golden130_174.gif picture by missy4350

Friday, July 25, 2008

Love To Hate

Someone asked this at us something you love to hate.......

My family always makes it a point not to let me eat food which could make my BP rise....I am hypertensive due to my fondness to salty foods...ouch!....Though I've manage to maintain my BP now than before^^...Once I got home after work and I was too hungry to eat already (I knew there were cooked crabs -my fave seafood, but they won't show them to me-it's a no no^^)....But since I was really stubborn so I told them....."I got my pay cheque today^^!" sister said to my Mom....."MAMA.....What are you still waiting for....GET THOSE CRABS....hehe!....And so I got what I wanted....but thank God I asked them to join me in eating them^^

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Ultimate Blog Bloom Tag

I got tagged by Mr. Genius Elliot of Everything Kimchi....

The Ultimate blog bloom Tag!

This tag will give you 2 techie points per successful tag. The rules are:

1. Copy and paste the URLs (ALL OF THEM!) on the list and add them to your blogroll (this gives your buddy one techie point)
2. Add your name according to the alphabetical sequence of the list
3. link your webbie to your name in the list (the second techie point opportunity)
4. add your URL next to the linked name…
5. Voila! just do this, tag as many as you can and wait until your techiepoints grow exponentially! Don’t forget to linkback… in your case link back to JoanJoyce.


Apt 1014
Life in Korea
Everything Kimchi


The Double Tag
RULE: What you are supposed to do… and please don’t spoil the fun… Click copy/paste, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 4 people in your lists!

(A) Four places I go over and over:

Mt.Samat, Betiz Church in Guagua, Pamp., White House hehe, My hometown^^

(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:
Some who send viruses^^, 4 of my pupils(I ask them to do so).....

(C) Four of my favorite places to eat:
LotsA' Pizza, Point-Point(Turo-Turo), Inside the Bus,At Home(it's cheaper)

(D) Four places I’d rather be:
South Korea, Japan, Canada, Australia...can I add Vietnam?

(E) Four people we think will respond:
Elliot, Cher, Eden, Chris

(F) Four TV shows we could watch over and over:
CNN news^^, EWTN Daily Mass, Wheel Of Fortune, Jeopardy

I’m tagging:
Iyungwei, Sidney Conservative, Teamaster, A Great Pleasure, Real Town Network Community, Life's Happening The Alchemist Blog, Randy, and all of you...just for fun...

It's not always a happy ending for now....

Funny how life works out sometimes... I'm both happy and sad about it... I wish I had a blog or journal back then so I could take a look back at those times......Azure Wolf

I had wished the same as my friend Azure ....but it's never too late.....we could still write about how life had been in the past....though they may never be as exactly as how you could have vividly expressed those experiences back then than now.....however what's important is today you had understood the reasons why those experiences happened to you in the first place....

I've always wanted stories as love stories to have happy endings...but as I grew older I realized things don't turn out the way we always wanted them to be....

So looking back I really don't appreciate movies with sad endings....but now I do not even question a story that ended sadly....

I even considered myself a spoiled brat for refusing to grow back then....

I know a girl who refuse to grow
She never cared with a word to follow
Maturity, she lacks this thing
Consideration, she never mind

What a girl! What a brat!
Sometimes she's good
But still is bad
Bad because she never understood
How to listen to others' words of truth....

Yes as we grow older we become more responsible......we can accept defeat easily.....we acknowledge our weaknesses.....we surrender when it's over....we become more patient....we let things take their course....but then when it's over, just like a tree, its roots will continue to live if you will just nourish it little by may grow from a new soil or it may not live the way it was before yet it will have a new form...a new life....

There were some things that we did in the past that when we look back at them we could only smile and's not always a happy ending for now....

Monday, July 14, 2008


Reading about some articles on the current social and political situation in my country has made me realized that we need to do something for our country to rise and see the light again....

If you live in a country like the Philippines you have to accept the fact that many problems were still left unsolved....We have the perception that corruption in the government is at its worst...there were destabilizations in the government that we often do not know where they come from....ofcourse the never ending poverty.....where most families had to eat an average of two meals a day....where kidnappings are like kdramas....where our people act as slaves to internationally rich bandits...where justice doesn't prevail...

We need to do something about them....The church is asking us to do the principles of active-non violence together...They are asking us to make reforms by starting within ourselves....

At times we find ourselves becoming hopeless..

At times we don't know where to turn to anymore..

At times we just let those problems rule us....

Say Goodbye To Sin

Have you wondered about the more trash we carelessly threw the more sins and problems we create as well...

I consider sin as a trash...It pollutes a certain place, a certain part within ourselves....If we don't pick up or acknowledge sins that we have, then we will suffer along the way...Those hardened hearts of ours will become vulnerable and make us suffer slowly and make us feel uncomfortable though we may never admit it...Each of us shouldn't make a fool of ourselves...The responsibility of doing good rests upon each individual... if you see someone you think could change you and make you a better person...welcome that person in your life...Take a chance...or better yet free yourself from sins...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Heroes Don't Lose Faith

It's really quite difficult to search for a hero in this modern age, in this generation where injustice, poverty, and immorality rule...

I agree with what this certain journalist said about how some leaders in Asia and in other parts of the world lose their "heroic charms" once they can't change or better yet improve some institutions or systems governing their own people...

Remember the time when Moses despite his good leadership, had experienced instances where his followers had turned away and lost faith and confidence in him... Remember even Jesus Christ with all His heroic acts was even betrayed by His follower and friend Judas, who wanted Jesus as a brave and gallant hero, who would rise up against the Romans and change drastically their system of government back then...Instead Jesus chose to have it peacefully and was crucified as a prize for being a hero, a good man....

Today we have so many good leaders around the world yet their characters change once the system had swallowed their faith, their morality...It's hard for them to play fair and square...They deal with dirty tactics to get what they want, even in making changes and reforms they deviate from the rules, because the system itself is filthy...If you play it fair, you won't stay long, you will be crucified too,  just like Jesus......But then, just like Jesus let us think positively and have true faith..... Why not take the chance?.....We need leaders or heroes who don't lose their faith......Who should be like Jesus......He never gives up until now.....