Everyday is always a struggle....to live in peace, love, and understanding....We meet different people from all walks of life....Some were old acquaintances, some are new, some we just meet at the store, in a bus, in the streets... and how we deal with one another depends on how we struggle each day...Yes, each day we must show love to other people....We must be loving, forgiving, merciful.....At times we are so cruel that we don't think about how others would feel....We never think about the welfare of others....We hurt others without giving them something they could be proud of in order to change for the better....We just wanted to show how stupid the other person is....We have hardened and inconsiderate hearts....That is why some people are burdened because those who judge them aren't really after their welfare but only in making them look inferior...This is what's happening to us teachers who are victims of inconsiderate administrators....It could also happen to those who are weak and couldn't defend themselves from influential people....
I wish we could follow Jesus' teachings on understanding and loving our neighbors....
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